Unique things to do in Puebla

Unique things to do in Puebla

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All activities near Puebla

Your best photos in Puebla
The photographic experience is designed to be done in one of the points in the City of Puebla and Cholula, in a specific event, celebration (baptisms, birthdays, weddings and 15th birthdays), wherever you like, I can accompany you. It doesn't matter if you are locals or tourists, we can capture your best moment in the state of Puebla. Please mention location in the chat before the session to organize the meeting and share the brief of poses and style.
Cook the traditional flavors of Puebla
Puebla is called "City of Angels" and of course, if its gastronomy is a magical fusion of flavors and ingredients of Mexican indigenous cuisine and Spanish influence. So if it's about delicious food, let us discover the quintessential Mexican cuisine of Puebla; the cuisine of the Angels. This experience is a gathering of friends, where everyone will learn how to prepare the most traditional dishes of our state, in a unique, artisanal and fun way. The traditional mole is the pride of Puebla, a mixture of chiles, nuts and chocolate, which fills our belly whit the heat and love of the poblanas housewives. Raquel, Jorge and I will show you how to prepare it in our baroque restaurant located in the Historic Center of Puebla, on the street of typical sweets. Chiles en nogada, Pipián Rojo, pipián verde, Manchamanteles, desserts and cocktails are part of the recipes that we will share with you in this experience. As we cook, we will start a journey where we will tell you the story of the dish, enjoy a drink or two, with or without alcohol, and once our food is ready, we will sit together, relax and delight in the fruits of our work! Let yourself be delighted, the table will be set and we will welcome you to our house with open arms!
Magical Puebla Hike
*TOUR DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL. En este tour por la ciudad emprenderemos un viaje al pasado en el cual podremos darte historias y leyendas nunca antes mencionadas u olvidadas por algunos poblanos. Haremos un recorrido caminando por el centro histórico en donde visitaremos barrios antiguos, Centro histórico y muchos puntos más al exterior. Estaremos encantados de conocerte. TE RECORDAMOS QUE TENEMOS MÁS TOURS DISPONIBLES EN LA CIUDAD Y PUEDES CONOCERLOS EN NUESTRO PERFIL. PUEDES SOLICITAR ESTE TOUR EN OTRA FECHA Y HORARIO QUE MÁS TE GUSTE.
Hiking to a beautiful waterfall in Puebla
Join us on an enthralling expedition to discover a hidden gem – an awe-inspiring waterfall just 1,5 hours away from Puebla. My husband and I will lead you on a picturesque hike through landscapes adorned with captivating cacti and lush trees, mingling with friendly donkeys for a local touch. The highlight of our adventure awaits at the pinnacle of the waterfall. Here, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the cool, rejuvenating waters, a truly invigorating experience that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. Prepare for a full day of adventure, as the journey includes a 1.5-2 hour drive each way, followed by a 40-50 minute hike. Embrace the months of May to September, known as the rain season, as they bring a unique allure to the waterfall. While the water may not mirror the picture-perfect clarity depicted in photographs, this time offers a chance to witness nature's ever-changing canvas. The landscape transforms into a lush, rainforest-like setting, a striking departure from the views of the dry season. Worries of rain interfering with our adventure can be set aside, as showers typically make their appearance post-3pm, ensuring our return journey remains dry and comfortable. Secure your spot (it’s a private tour with 2 people max per trip) for an authentic encounter with nature's allure amidst a stunning waterfall and craft some cherished memories.
Cholula Walking Tour w/an Archaeologist
If you're an experienced traveler who loves history and learning about other cultures this is the tour for you! We will meet right in front of the Cholula train station. The first stop on the walking tour is the Iglesia de los Remedios, the famous church built on top of the pyramid. After visiting the church and hearing all its stories you will enjoy a stunning panoramic view of Cholula, Puebla, and the volcanos. From there we will walk around the Great Pyramid and you will learn all about life in Prehispanic Cholula and how the pyramid was built as you admire some of the ruins. The next stop is the local cemetery. Here you will observe some of the more modern aspects of Cholula’s current population and learn how some Prehispanic elements have managed to survive into the present. Then we will walk by the Prehispanic ceremonial center with several pyramids and ruins. Your will understand the importance of Cholula in ancient times and experience the grandeur of this amazing religious center. From there you will take a final walk down to the San Gabriel Complex where you will see the main church and the Royal Chapel. You will also visit the incredible 16th century murals in the Franciscan Convent and learn about the Colonial history of Cholula. Our walking tour ends at the Zocalo of San Pedro Cholula.
Cooking class in a Mexican home
First we will receive you and from there we will go in search of the ingredients for the class to a market located five minutes from the house. There we will learn about textures, flavors and appreciate a little more about the local culture and folklore. At the end of the shopping, we will return to the kitchen to prepare a main dish and a dessert or poblano drink such as chalupas, mole poblano, chiles en nogada, * pan de muerto, or poblano sauces, etc ... At the end of the class you can taste a little and take the rest home. Your apron and printed recipe are included. Other things to note We have health protocols in accordance with health standards established by COVID-19 to protect our participants and offer them a safe environment.
Live the Culture of Mezcal Poblano
The experience begins when we meet in the star of Puebla. Beyond just trying the mezcal, we want to bring people closer to the work there is since the agave is removed from the ground until it is distilled and becomes mezcal. That is why we will take you to the community that is part of the Mixteca poblana and today is integrated into the mezcal route, where you can learn about the whole process from start to finish. We will begin by walking the fields where the agave is cultivated on foot. You will learn from the different types that grow in our poblano soil, its characteristics and the importance it has for the ecosystem. Later we will take you to the palenque so that you know the production process from cooking to distillation; From the hand of master mezcaleros you will have a detailed explanation of this process and its ancestral techniques that are still preserved in the region. You will taste in a practical, simple and friendly way of this drink of gods identifying the different notes that exist, we will also accompany with a snack with which you will combine flavors and textures. You can take pictures and we will return to Puebla to conclude the experience. Other things to note It is required to be programmed for 4 or 5 hours of experience that is the time it will take us to make the tour. Preferably, the tours will begin at earlier times of 1:00 p.m.
Eat, drink and discover Puebla
*Send me a message if you don’t see the date you’re looking for available* Come for the food, stay for the history! This unique experience has been carefully designed to take you on an exciting gastronomic journey to sample Puebla’s culinary heritage and discover the historical events and built heritage that shaped the city. -The experience is divided in sections that combine tastings and a guided tour discovering places and landmarks of great architectural and historical value related to the city's culture. -You will visit authentic eateries where you will sample delicious dishes and traditional drinks that represent the full range of Puebla's unrivalled food heritage. The cost of the food and drinks you will sample is included, but second rounds are on you. Have special dietary needs? It is possible to cater for ovo-lacto vegetarians and flexitarians, please contact me to tailor a great experience for you. Please note that the tour includes: Gluten loaded products, lard, fried food, garlic, chilies, spices, nuts, dairy products and eggs. Meats are neither Halal nor Kosher. This is not your average food tour, it is a masterclass in Mexican and Poblano cultural and gastronomic history! Please read the reviews to get a better idea of what to expect. Please note that I'm currently only offering tours for groups of 2, 3 and 4 people.
Prehispanic Food Tour - Cholula with Local Chef
Due to the success of my experience of “Pre-Hispanic Cholula, Food & Pyramids” where I co-host, I decided to offer just a tour focused on pre-Hispanic cuisine. Learn about the customs of food in pre-Hispanic times, its utensils, native ingredients, cooking techniques, and the great connection with nature and its daily food and ritual as a local chef. The tour starts at the Zócalo de San Pedro Cholula (meeting point) where we will have an explanation of the market in pre-Hispanic times, its exchange system and the ingredients used. Then we will head to the municipal market of San Pedro Cholula where we will have a tour with the explanation of the utensils and cooking techniques. During this tour we will be able to taste some food and drinks that are still consumed currently.
Tentzo Experience, taste, live, meet the mezcal tradition
Travel to several Mezcal distilleries in the sierra of Puebla and get close to over 200 years in the heritage of the tradition of making artisanal mezcal. I will pick you up and guide you throughout the Mezcal producing communities — all the way from the south and north of the Tentzo Sierra up to Santiago Coatepec— enjoy beautiful rural countryside views all the way, learn and experience the process of Artisanal Mezcal, share stories and have a "copita de Mezcal" with some of the best quality Maestros Mezcaleros in the whole country. Available routes: ○ San Nicolás Huajuapan ○ Tepeojuma / San Diego la Meza ○ Santiago Coatepec
Tour and buffet
We are going to know the origin of puebla how it was founded after that visit the places where the most emblematic food from Puebla were created, know the leyend behind his creation and eat them at the end of the tour on the restaurant of my family, that has been open since 50 years ago and just to make sure that you are going to enjoy it I'm going to gave you all the beer you can drink olso, so you are going to eat and drink a lot CHILE EN NOGADA (the most delicious and expensive food of all the mexican gastronomy , you can only find this one on Agust and September, but we make a really hard effort so you can eat it today, the place that we are going to visit it's a secret convent that was hidden from the government in that time) MOLE POBLANO (A food that was created by accident by nuns in a kitchen completely made of Talavera, this place will let us know the power that the church had in that time and Olson know the hard life of the women's had on those times ) CEMITA (It's like the Mexican and traditional sandwich it's a mix from Jewish and Mexican food and we're going to visit the candy Street were it was created) CHALUPA(It could be a traditional snack from Puebla) TACO ARABE (Create by libanese people that came to Mexico and modified the original way to make it) And olso we are going to visit the chapel made completely of gold visit by sailors and pirates.
Atlixco y sus maravillas
En este recorrido visitaremos Atlixco, un Puebla magico conocido por su exquisita naturaleza y buen clima. En este punto tendremos un recorrido por casa Bajichi (productores de joyería con HUESO DE AGUACATE,) un lugar en donde podrás disfrutar de una degustación de mezcal, también visitaremos los viveros, la escalera ancha y centro histórico, posteriormente iremos al museo barroco en donde tendrán tiempo libre y finalizamos en el templo de San Francisco Acatepec. Este es un recorrido de 8 horas aproximadamente. Te estamos esperando. TE RECORDAMOS QUE TENEMOS MÁS TOURS DISPONIBLES EN LA CIUDAD Y PUEDES CONOCERLOS EN NUESTRO PERFIL O EN PUEBLA ES MI DESTINO. PUEDES SOLICITAR ESTE TOUR EN OTRA FECHA Y HORARIO QUE MÁS TE GUSTE.
Horseback riding at the foot of the Volcanoes
We invite you to our home in Calpan to ride a horse near the Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes, enjoying nature and the history of the area. -We will enjoy a rich Mexican breakfast with organic ingredients grown in the town. -We will start the activity with a personalized basic course within our "practice field", where we will check your skills to give you the most suitable horse for you. Your safety comes first! -Once you have learned how to handle your horse, we can start the journey to the trails, where, depending on the route, we'll see local crops and orchards, streams, springs, and forests, all with a beautiful view of the volcanoes. -Returning from the Tour we will enjoy a delicious and satisfying homemade meal. Other highlights . If you would like to start at a different time, please send us a message and we'll check our availability!
Clase de pintura
Podrás realizar una obra pictórica de pequeño formato (25 x 30 cm) en una clase de 2 horas, disfrutando de un ambiente bohemio y completamente artístico, en mi taller donde he impartido clase por mas de 17 años, en el Barrio del Artista, situado en el corazón de la ciudad de Puebla. Otros aspectos destacables La clase de pintura puede durar entre 1 y 2 horas máximo, dependiendo el tema y las habilidades de cada persona.
∆The Cooltural and Worthy experience Teotihuacan∆
SUPER SPECIAL PRICE... ONLY ON JUNE!!! NO TOURIST TRAP WITH ME. WHAT YOU PAY IS THE FINAL PRICE !!! FEEL FREE TO ASK FOR EXTRA INFORMATION, NO STRINGS ATTACHED SUPER EASY TRIP TO GOT TEOTIHUACAN. AVAILABLE TO LEAD PRIVATE GROUPS. I CAN HELP YOU TO ORGANIZE TRANSPORTATION. MIGHT BE NECESSARY VERIFY YOUR ID. AVOID TURIST TRAP (obsidian shops) AND FALSE CAVES For sure I am your best option ..by far !!! We are going to start introducing ourselves, then we will be friends for sure. Afterwards We will walk untill we got first, the avenue of the deads, in front of the sun pyramid (PYRAMIDS ARE CLOSED FOR PRESERVATION) once We finish talking about the moon pyramid, Then I will take you to the most important religious square this précolombien city had. There You will discover the most impressive secrets this place has. The last place to visit will be one of the most important places we have in the site, TEPANTITLA PALACE. Last thing to do, we will have the chance to say cheers!!! As well an amazing snack!!! Once We finish this EXPERIENCE, You will have discovered the REAL TEOTIHUACAN, THE REAL DEDICATION THE PYRAMIDS HAVE, WHY MANY PEOPLE THINK THIS CONSTRUCTED BY AZTECS. MAKE SURE YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE THE BEST EXPERIENCE EVER THANKS A LOT IN ADVANCE.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Mexico
  3. Puebla Region