Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.
Experience Host

Create and manage your Airbnb Experience team

Your experience can run more smoothly with a little extra help. Co-Hosts can lead guests on experiences, and assistants can help the primary Host manage their experience. Before they get started, they’ll need to join Airbnb and have their info checked.

Find out more about the guidelines for hosting with a team on experiences.

Adding team members

  1. Go to Experiences and click Edit
  2. Under General settings, click Team
  3. Go to Invite team members
  4. Choose Co-Hosts or Assistants (for Co-Hosts you will need to acknowledge that they meet the quality standards)
  5. Enter their email address
  6. Choose which permissions you want to give your team member and click Send invite

When you add or remove a Co-Host or an assistant, both of you will receive a confirmation email.

Removing team members

  1. Go to Experiences and click Edit
  2. Under General settings, click Team
  3. Choose which Co-Host or assistant you want to remove and click the three dots ( . . . )
  4. Select Remove from team and click Confirm

Editing permissions

You can edit your team members’ permissions any time by following the steps above and checking or unchecking the relevant permissions.

If your team members don’t appear on your on experience settings page, they may not have accepted your invite or verified their ID.

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