Why reviews matter

Reviews on Airbnb build trust and help drive your business.
By Airbnb on Nov. 29, 2019
3-min read
Updated Dec. 11, 2023

Reviews and ratings help guests choose their travel plans. Airbnb data suggests that a guest is more likely to book a place if it has a higher star rating.*

How reviews work

After every checkout, Hosts and guests have the opportunity to review one another. Each has 14 days to write a review, which remains hidden until both submit their reviews or the 14-day review period ends. After that, the reviews are published on the guest’s profile and Host’s listing and profile pages.

Overall star ratings

In addition to writing a review, guests can rate their overall experience with one to five stars. The star rating appears next to each review, putting guests’ feedback into better context. Your overall rating appears on your listing after three guests have posted reviews.

Star ratings are an important factor for earning Superhost status. Superhosts must have an average overall rating of at least 4.8 stars over at least 10 trips or three reservations that total at least 100 nights.

Your ratings and reviews are also important for inclusion in Guest Favourites, which are updated daily.

Categories of star ratings

Guests are asked to provide a star rating in specific categories and specify what went well or could have gone better. For example, if your place is super clean, a guest might choose five stars and select “squeaky-clean bathroom.” Or you might get fewer stars on communication if a guest thinks your checkout instructions are excessive.

Category star ratings don’t impact Superhost status or your overall rating, but they do impact Guest Favourites. These categories are:

  • Check-in: Guests rate whether you provided a clear and simple check-in process, which is vital for a positive guest experience.

  • Cleanliness: Guests will expect the clean and tidy space they found in your listing photos.

  • Accuracy: Guests can weigh in on whether you provided accurate listing details, including up-to-date amenities.

  • Communication: Guests rate their experience with messaging with Hosts, including whether checkout tasks were clear and simple.

  • Location: Guests can provide feedback on whether your location was accurately depicted in your listing.

  • Value: Guests rate your space on their perception of whether your pricing was a fair reflection of your offering.

Private feedback

Guests can send you a private note as part of their feedback. This info is shared only with you. It's an opportunity for guests to tell you things without it affecting your rating or your review. You can also send your guests a private note.

Using feedback to improve your listing

Guests can offer perspectives you might not have considered. Try to treat negative reviews as opportunities to make improvements to your place or your hospitality.

You always have the option to reply to reviews publicly on your listing. When you respond constructively, you show that you take guests’ feedback and satisfaction seriously.

Reviewing guests

Leaving a review for your guests is a chance to express your gratitude and provide helpful feedback. This also reminds guests to review you.

Here are some tips to remember when reviewing guests:

  • Be respectful.

  • Include specific examples whenever possible, like: “This guest adhered to our quiet hours and followed our checkout instructions perfectly.”

  • Address sensitive issues with kindness, or save them for a private review.

You’ll be able to rate guests on cleanliness, communication, and following your house rules. Your feedback will also help enforce ground rules for guests and allow you to report any guest who doesn’t follow them.

*Based on internal Airbnb data on active listings as of November 2022.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

Nov. 29, 2019
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