Unlock the power of your Host Passport

Edit your profile to add details and encourage guests to book.
By Airbnb on Aug. 10, 2023
2-min read
Updated Aug. 10, 2023

Guests have told us that before they reserve a Room, they want to know who they’ll be sharing space with. The Host Passport is a way to introduce yourself and set guest expectations.

What is the Host Passport?

The Host Passport pulls key details from your profile and highlights them in Rooms search results. Guests can tap your photo to read everything you’ve shared about yourself. Or they can go straight to your listing page, where they’ll find similar information displayed under the title “Meet your Host.”

Your name, years hosting, star rating, and number of guest reviews appear at the top of your Host Passport. That’s followed by any personal details you’d like to add, such as your work, hobbies, languages, fun facts, pet’s name, and what makes staying at your place special.

Edit your profile to add details to your Passport. Try these tips for taking a photo that’ll make a great first impression.

How does my Passport support guests?

Your Host Passport is a great way to start building rapport with guests. Learning that you share a common interest, line of work, or taste in music creates a sense of familiarity.

“The Host doesn’t have to be my best friend, but they should be someone who I feel good sharing a space with,” says Stacey, a guest based in Oklahoma City. “The Host Passport humanizes them and helps set the tone for the visit.”

Getting more details upfront also helps guests decide whether your place is a good fit for their travel needs, while saving both of you time and energy. “It cuts down on messaging back and forth and makes booking even easier, because my questions are already answered,” Stacey says.

For Chris, a Superhost in Macon, Georgia, the Host Passport is a low-key way to break the ice with guests. “I’m a quiet person, and it’s helped me open up more,” he says. “I try to make my profile fun and proper.”

In his Host Passport, Chris notes that he’s a retired athlete and a Superhost Ambassador. He also shares that he:

  • Spends too much time golfing

  • Has a dog named Princess

  • Was born in the ’80s

  • Played football for two historically Black colleges/universities

  • Provides a coffee bar for guests

Taking the time to give guests a bit more to go on before they book your Room can help match guests who have similar habits and interests.

As guest Stacey notes, “If I read that the Host ‘spends too much time’ singing karaoke, I know he’s going to expect a different kind of guest than a Host who ‘spends too much time’ home binge-watching Netflix.”

Fill out your Host Passport by going to your Airbnb profile and selecting “Edit,” or tapping the button below.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

Aug. 10, 2023
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