Recap and takeaways

Review what you’ve learned and get next steps for starting as a Superhost Ambassador.
By Airbnb on Nov. 30, 2023
2-min read
Updated Nov. 30, 2023

By reviewing the articles and videos in this learning series, you’re well on your way to helping others as a Superhost Ambassador. Here’s a recap of what we covered, with reminders for actions to take so we can match you with your first new Host.

How the program works

  • We’ll match with prospective and new Hosts based on language, location, and type of space.
  • You’ll answer their questions and share tips and Airbnb resources.
  • Every time a new Host you’ve helped completes their first stay, you’ll receive a reward.

How to use your dashboard

  • The dashboard is where you’ll manage interactions with new Hosts.
  • Filters help you organize your inbox and group Hosts according to their progress.
  • You can set your availability to “Online now” to indicate that you’re available immediately, or pause new matches when you have enough people to assist.
  • Watch this video for a detailed tour of the Superhost Ambassador dashboard

How to connect with new Hosts

  • New matches appear in your dashboard.
  • Tap on a person’s profile photo to get their details and initiate contact.
  • Creating scheduled messages makes initial outreach easier, but it’s a good idea to personalize them.
  • You can set up a Zoom call using your inbox messaging tools
  • Track new Hosts’ progress in your dashboard and offer assistance as needed.

Tips for offering effective support

  • New Hosts appreciate hearing from you within 24 hours.
  • If you choose the “Online now” setting, you’re signaling that you’re available to chat live—so be ready to dive in.
  • Proactively sharing what you wish you’d known when you started hosting can make a big difference.
  • Adopting a friendly tone in your messages can help your communications go smoothly.
  • Being open to your differences while seeking common ground can help build trust with others.
  • Asking questions about each person’s hosting needs and goals helps you understand how best to help them.
  • Consider various ways to address concerns and help unblock obstacles based on your own experiences.
  • You can always provide suggestions based on your experience.
  • Feel free to offer to review new listings before they’re published.

Where to find Airbnb resources

What’s next?

Remember to review the following actions that are available to you:

That’s it—you’re officially a Superhost Ambassador. Congratulations on completing this learning series and welcome to the program! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your community manager or contact

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

Nov. 30, 2023
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