Ensuring your place is sparkling clean

If your space isn’t clean, guests may leave a negative review.
By Airbnb on Feb. 17, 2023
2-min read
Updated Feb. 17, 2023

Offering a clean space is the most important part of five-star hospitality. As part of ground rules for Hosts, all spaces listed on Airbnb should be clean and free of health hazards when guests check in. Hosts who have a solid cleaning strategy will find the most success.

Create a cleaning strategy

Whether you do the job yourself or hire a cleaner, it’s vital that your space is thoroughly cleaned between every guest, every time.

If guests find hair in the bathroom or dirty dishes in the sink, their stay is disrupted. This can lead them to write a bad review, or even cut their stay short.

If you hire a cleaner, run through the cleaning process once yourself so you know exactly what needs to be done. Make sure you schedule enough time between bookings for a thorough job. Find a second cleaner or other backup plan in case your cleaner can’t make it one day.

When putting together your plan, try these tips from other Hosts:

  • Strip the beds and start a load of laundry first so you have enough time to do several loads if needed.
  • Clean and dust all surfaces, paying special attention to high-touch surfaces like remotes and doorknobs.
  • Make the beds, change the towels, reset decorative blankets and pillows, and use a lint roller on anything that needs it.
  • Open the windows while cleaning for fresh air if weather permits.
  • Sweep and mop the floors last to collect any dust or debris.

Follow this cleaning checklist

  • All surfaces are dusted and cleaned.
  • All floors are vacuumed or swept and mopped.
  • All areas are free of bugs, pests, cobwebs, mould, and stains.
  • All linens and towels are clean, fresh, and stain-free.
  • All beds are remade, fluffed, and lint-rolled.
  • All toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs are cleaned and disinfected.
  • All shampoo, body wash, hand soap, or dish soap is refilled.
  • All personal items are stored out of sight.
  • All dishes, cookware, and utensils are clean and put away.
  • All kitchen appliances, including the fridge, stove, and oven, are clean and ready for use. No leftover food is in the fridge.
  • All trash is taken out.
  • The space smells fresh and clean.
Feb. 17, 2023
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