Earn on your own terms

Partner with Hosts who want help with hosting.
By Airbnb on Apr. 26, 2024
3-min read
Updated Apr. 26, 2024

Experienced Co‑Hosts are locals who help manage other Hosts’ places. You choose what services you offer and how much you charge.

Some examples of what Hosts need help with include creating a listing, updating the calendar and price, communicating with guests, managing bookings, supporting guests during their stay, writing reviews, assisting with check-in and checkout, and providing cleaning and maintenance.

Checking if you’re eligible

The experienced Co‑Host services platform provides a way for Hosts and experienced Co‑Hosts to connect one-on-one and explore working together. It’s available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, the U.K., and the U.S. If you live elsewhere, sign up for our waitlist.

To become an experienced Co‑Host, you must comply with all applicable local laws and regulations and meet the following requirements within the past 12 months:

  • You’ve managed 10 or more stays as a Host or Co-Host on Airbnb and are in good standing

  • You have an average guest rating of 4.8 or more across all accounts and listings you manage

  • Your cancellation rate is less than 3%, with exceptions made for certain valid reasons beyond your control

It’s your responsibility to have any licences or registrations required to be an experienced Co‑Host in your area, and to know what regulations apply to you. There are real estate broker licence requirements in some areas. Learn more in the terms of service.

Becoming an experienced Co‑Host

If you’re eligible, apply to join the experienced Co‑Host services platform. Once you complete a profile, Hosts searching for help in your area can find your profile and message you.

You’ll be able to access a set of tools to help you manage your business your way. These allow you to message Hosts, co-create listings, and determine with Hosts what share of a bookings payout you receive.

We’ll send you an invitation to join a Slack channel* that connects an active community of experienced Co‑Hosts, where you can ask questions and share advice.

Getting inspired by other Co‑Hosts

Join a webinar to ask questions and learn whether you’d be a good fit for experienced co‑hosting. You can also find inspiration from the stories of those who’ve already tried it.

John, an experienced Co‑Host in Scottsdale, Arizona, became a Host in 2015 and a Co‑Host three years ago. “Airbnb at this point is in my blood,” he says. Over time, he learned what works for him—and what doesn’t—when it comes to hosting. He was already sharing that knowledge with the Hosts he worked with. When he heard about experienced co‑hosting, he thought: “Yeah, I want to try this. That sounds awesome.”

Sabrina, an experienced Co‑Host in Denver, Colorado, was already a property manager when she started co‑hosting in 2015. “Its extremely important that you add value to the owner and their listing,” she says. “If youre inexperienced, do your best to gain experience by helping a friend or family member, hosting your own listing, or offering to help with one piece of hosting at a time as you become an expert in the process.”

*Slack is not a technological tool and is provided on an optional basis. The experienced Co‑Host services platform reserves the right to withdraw access from an experienced Co‑Host who violates Airbnb policies, and use is also subject to the applicable Slack terms of service and privacy policy.

This is a platform service, powered by Airbnb Living LLC, Airbnb Global Services Limited, and Airbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda, and the Luckey platform is offered by Luckey SAS.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

Apr. 26, 2024
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