Choosing who to welcome for your first reservation

Start hosting with an experienced guest or anyone on Airbnb.
By Airbnb on Nov. 16, 2022
1-min read
Updated Nov. 16, 2022

Welcoming a stranger into your home for the first time might feel, well, a bit strange. To help give you peace of mind, we have technologies in place to help reduce risks for you and your property.

As a new Host, you also get to choose the type of guest who can be the first to stay at your place. In this step, select whether you’d like to welcome:

“Any Airbnb guest” means anyone who’s a member of our community, including newcomers. Choosing this option can lead to getting your first reservation faster, because it opens the door to more potential guests as they search for places to stay.

An experienced guest is someone with a good track record of at least three stays on Airbnb with no bad reviews. All experienced guests have had their identity verified and have a payment method on file. Given their track record, they can help make hosting for the first time seem less daunting and may provide some helpful feedback about their stay with you.

Both options are great choices. Simply pick the one that feels right to you.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.
Nov. 16, 2022
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