Promoting your Experience

How friends and community can help your Experience gain momentum.
By Airbnb on Apr. 9, 2018
4-min read
Updated Jan. 19, 2023


  • Invite people in your community to sign up for your Experience and spread the word

  • Consider offering a special low price to people in your immediate network

  • Hold a test run of your Experience and invite close friends

  • Take advantage of social media channels

Looking for additional creative ways to share your Experience with the world? It’s likely you already have an audience that will be excited to support you. Read on for tips on how your existing network—including your friends, family, and community—can help your Experience pick up momentum, and how your indirect community can also help drive bookings.

Start with your friends and family

Your friends and family already know about your passions and talents, so sharing your Experience with these people is a perfect first step. Consider reaching out to tell them about your Experience, why you are excited about it, and all the details they need in order to share it with their own networks. 

Here’s a sample email you can use as a template to start from:

Hi [Name],

I’m excited to let you know about a project I’m working on and invite you to be a part of it. I’ve turned my passion for [blank] and [summarize your background, expertise, or special access] into [title of your Experience, with a link to your Experience page], which I’m listing as an Experience on Airbnb.

I’ll have a chance to share my love for [blank] with guests from around the world and enable them to discover/explore/try their hand at [summarize the activity your guests will be doing and what they’ll be learning about, as well as the place they’ll be in if it’s an in-person Experience].

I would love to invite you to participate in one of my Experiences on [dates/times]. I’m reaching out to give my close friends and family a special sneak preview of the Experience and of course, would love to see you and get your feedback.

You can sign up here [link to your Experience].

Please also share this with anyone in your network who might be interested and don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for joining me on this new adventure, I look forward to hosting you on [title of your Experience] soon.

[Your preferred salutation - keep it casual such as “Warmly,”]

[Your name]

Share your Experience on your social media channels

You can take advantage of social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your personal blog to share your Experience. Incorporate eye-catching imagery to help your post stand out, and consider including a direct link to sign up for your Experience. Using relevant hashtags in your posts can help you reach a wider audience. For example, for a hike in Los Angeles, you could use #LosAngeles #hike and #airbnbexperiences.

I seem to have the most interaction on Instagram and it’s also my favorite place to post since I love looking at everyone’s beautiful photos! I manage to post on my accounts five times a week. By posting consistently, my accounts look active and I can stay top of mind for people who follow my account.
Alexandra, Host of Castro and Twin Peaks Urban Hike,
San Francisco, CA

Spread the word to your network

Beyond your immediate friends and family, think about groups in your broader network who might be interested in the Experience you are offering. For example, Hosts Jesse and Thomas of #1 Hollywood Sign Tour were already part of a Facebook community for Australians living in Los Angeles. When they launched their Experience, they posted about their new adventure in the group to help spread the word beyond their close circles.

It can be helpful to start brainstorming a list of groups you and your closest friends and family members are in. Consider alumni networks, community or neighborhood groups, parent groups, and so on. Once you start writing these groups down, you may find your network is more extensive than you thought!

Tip: Some Hosts offer a special low price, for example, half of their regular price, to their immediate network by reducing the rate on just one of their Experience’s dates. They then send an update to their network, highlighting this one-time-only unique date and price. If you try this, remember that anyone can sign up for this Experience instance at the low price. 

Learn more about pricing strategies for Experiences.

Try joining online groups with people who have similar interests or passions. Don’t just join to promote your Experience, but to genuinely connect with like-minded people. By doing this, you may develop a deeper understanding of those people who have similar interests to you, and you may build an online support system open to attending your Experience, giving feedback, and sharing your Experience outside the group.

When you are promoting your Experience, remember to keep your tone genuine, not too self-promotional, and:

  • Share your passion and excitement
  • Highlight your expertise
  • Include a clear call to action, and provide a link for people to sign up

While promotion might feel like a lot to take on, if you incorporate it into your hosting plan from the beginning, it can help your Experience gain momentum and establish your reputation as a great Host.

Ready to start promoting your Experience?

Here’s a recap of the five steps you can take to help you spread the word about your Experience and get more bookings:

  1. Update your social media profiles to include details about your Experience and a direct link.
  2. Use the template above to draft an email to friends and family inviting them to sign up and spread the word about your Experience.
  3. Hold a test run of your Experience and invite a few close friends. Post photos on your social media accounts, and ask your friends to do the same!
  4. Share your Experience with a group you regularly participate in.
  5. Identify, join, and participate in a new group who might be interested in your Experience.

Remember: you’ll likely attract more interest in your Experience by taking the time to show and tell both your immediate and indirect network how great your Experience is.


  • Invite people in your community to sign up for your Experience and spread the word

  • Consider offering a special low price to people in your immediate network

  • Hold a test run of your Experience and invite close friends

  • Take advantage of social media channels

Apr. 9, 2018
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