How SEO keywords can help guests find your Experience

These tips can help you get the most out of your SEO keyword research.
By Airbnb on Apr. 4, 2022
3-min read
Updated Apr. 5, 2022


  • Create a list of keywords related to your Experience

  • For your primary keyword, select the term with the right combination of traffic and relevance

  • Use secondary keywords to attract additional traffic

SEO keywords can be a challenging subject for Hosts, but if used correctly, they can help you attract more guests and grow your business. Here are a few SEO pointers to help you get on the right track.

Choose terms that drive traffic

Certain words and phrases are used more frequently in internet searches than others. “Search volume” refers to the number of times a keyword is searched on platforms like Google each month.

When choosing keywords for your listing, try to choose phrases and terms with a high enough search volume to give your Experience some good exposure. Here are a few steps to consider as you refine your keyword choices:

  1. Start with a variety of potential terms and phrases. For example, if you have a wine tour in Napa, you might begin with terms like “wine tours Napa” or “wine tasting Napa.”
  2. Find the search volume for those terms using a keyword tool. Most tools will show you similar keywords and their search volumes, which you can use to refine your research.
  3. Compare the traffic each keyword gets, how relevant they are to your listing, and how competitive they are.
  4. Build a list with the best candidates.

Find the right balance of relevance and traffic

Let’s say you have a walking food tour in Rome that specializes in pizza, and your keyword research returned the following suggestions:

  • “Tours in Rome” > 100,000 monthly searches
  • “Food tours in Rome” > 90,000 ms
  • “Walking tour of Rome” > 50,000 ms
  • “Walking food tour of Rome” > 10,000 ms
  • “Walking culinary tour of Rome” > 8,000 ms
  • “Walking pizza tour of Rome” > 5,000 ms
  • “Walking margherita pizza tour of Rome” > 10 ms

While all these keywords are relevant, they increase in specificity as the list progresses. General keywords can be useful in attracting search traffic, but the goal is to find the keywords that offer the right mix of search volume and relevance.

To do this, make your primary keyword the term that is the most “niche” and relevant for your Experience, while ensuring that it still receives some traffic. For example: of the options listed above, the recommended primary keyword would be “Walking pizza tour of Rome,” which offers the right balance of traffic and specificity.

This may help distinguish you from your competitors, while also giving your listing a chance to rank higher.

The title of your listing can include more than just the primary keyword. This can be useful if your Experience offers something unique that isn’t often searched for, but that may be valued by your audience.

In these instances, a title like “Walking pizza tour of Rome with local chef” offers the proper context and detail for guests while also including important keywords.

Choose secondary keywords

While primary keywords are important, secondary keywords add value, as well. Secondary keywords are additional keywords that can help attract different sources of traffic to your Experience.

Let’s say your pizza tour happens in the Trastevere neighborhood of Rome, and your keyword research reveals that the phrase “Trastevere tours” gets 10,000 monthly searches. This term would be good to include as a secondary keyword in the description of your listing—it’s not as relevant as the primary keyword, but it still reflects what your Experience offers.

We hope these tips help you understand SEO keywords a little better, and inspire you to try optimizing your Experience.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.


  • Create a list of keywords related to your Experience

  • For your primary keyword, select the term with the right combination of traffic and relevance

  • Use secondary keywords to attract additional traffic

Apr. 4, 2022
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